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Report Problems with Surveys or your Survey Account

Surveys in Wordapp come directly to your task feed from a third-party market-research company called Cint. Use the below form to contact them about problems.

Problems with surveys

Make sure to include the url of the survey or the PGUID from your transactions list (click here to see your transactions).

Problems with your account

If you are being screend out all the time you can also use the below form to request Cint to identify the problem and have it fixed.


  • Email: Use an email address the Cint support team can reach you on.
  • Description: Start with this sentence and replace [id] with your own Wordapp id (click here to find your Wordapp id): “You can reach me on the email I filled out above. I am registred at Cint through Wordapp.com with email address [id]@wordapper.com.”

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