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Elite Wordappers

Wordapp is getting smarter and more useful every day, most types of content creating can be done in Wordapp by now. But let’s be honest, Wordapp cannot do everything for you. Therefore, we offer our clients to buy hours straight from our Elite Wordappers.

Who are Elite Wordappers and what can they do?

The Elite Wordappers are experienced writers in Wordapp. To become one, the freelancer has to exceed level 15, be active in the app and have a good return rate from publishers. You can read more about or level system here. The Elite Wordappers can help you out with tasks such as translation, writing samples and do keyword research.

How do I buy hours from Elite Wordappers?

Only clients with a balance in Wordapp can buy hours from Elite Wordappers. Get in touch through (elite@wordapp.com). Inform us what you need help with. If it is something that can be done in Wordapp, we will help you get started. If you need help with something else, we will offer you to buy hours from our most experienced freelancers. When you are buying this service from us, you will stay in touch with the freelancers throughout the process. You will explain what needs to be done, be available for support and inform about deadlines.

What does it cost?

Elite Wordappers is a way for us to contribute to our clients and freelancers. We are not interested in making money out of it. The hourly amount paid to the freelancers is shown below. On that amount, we add 17,5 % for administrative costs. You can find out which language belongs to what group here.

  • Group A and E 30 € / hour
  • Group B 25 € / hour
  • Group C and D 20 € / hour
  • Group F 15 € / hour

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