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How to Manage an Ongoing Project in Wordapp

Learn how to manage your projects in Wordapp.

Lesson Description:

To manage your projects efficiently, you need to first understand how Wordapp works. In this course, we will cover Business Accounts, Domains, Templates, Order sheets and projects.

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Lesson Description:

As a project manager, you often need to change the roles of the participants in the project. Learn how to change participant roles in your project.

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Lesson Description:

Instructions are one of the vital parts that are directing the users about the ideal texts. Learn how to update the instructions of an ongoing project.

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Lesson Description:

Flagging is used by users in order to communicate with the project managers about an issue in a task. Learn how flagging works and how you can fix the flagged tasks.

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Lesson Description:

Project managers can use the invite link in order to add writers and editors directly to the project as participants. Learn how you can take advantage of invite link in your projects.

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Introduction to Wordapp

In this section we will cover the main steps in order to create an order in Wordapp. You will learn the basics about Business Account, Domain, Template and Order Sheet.

Business Account

  • Account section consists of 6 subsections.
  • “Account Information” tab contains contact information, address, and Tax ID related to your business. The discount rate that is applied to your account can also be seen in this tab.
  • “Account’s Projects” shows the projects that have been created under the business account and “Domain list” contains all the domains that have been created under the business account.
  • “Apps” section contains Google Ads and Copyscape settings and account information.
  • “Team” section allows you to see your team members. You can add team members by sending an invitation email and you can give admin access to your team members.
  • “Billing” section contains all the monetary information related to your business account and you can choose your payment method from the “Payment Method” section.


  • You can see all domains that have been created under your account in the “Domain library” section
  • To create a new domain, you need to click on the green “add domain” button and to fill a number of sections. Although it is only mandatory to fill the Domain URL section, you are suggested to fill out all the parts to get better results with the tasks.
  • “USP”, “Persona” , “Dos and Don’ts” and “Negative Keywords” parts are visible when users are working on the tasks that are connected with the domain you created.
  • Negative Keywords applies to the items as rules in the task. If users use one of the negative keywords, keyword section will turn red and prevent the user from submitting the text.


  • From the “Template Library” you can choose one of the previously created templates from the library or create a template from the scratch.
  • To create a template from the scratch, you can build the structure yourself or if you already have a sample content you can copy-paste the content to the sample content section and directly use the structure in your template.
  • You are required to set the instructions and the rules for each template item. You can set up keywords by choosing them from the sample content or adding them manually from the “Keywords” section. You can use the keywords you added as keyword rules for the template items.
  • You can set up and edit “focus keyword”, “selective keyword”, “negative keyword”, “word count”, and “character count” rules for template items.

Order Sheet

  • When exporting the template as a .TSV file, you will be asked hence you want to connect the template to an existing project. If you choose a project, its project id will automatically apply to the relevant tab. click or tap “continue” and the .TSV is downloaded to your device.
  • An order is not really complete after it’s initially exported from Wordapp. The .TSV includes the crucial template formatting, keyword location and indexing, rules, and other data needed to start a running order in Wordapp. But the main elements that need to be added are the additional specific content and their specific keywords. A powerful way to add additional content to the order is to use a spreadsheet app like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Load the exported .TSV into your spreadsheet app and proceed to add additional rows of content. Use the format already established for keywords and template items, and add the additional keywords you’d like to create orders for. When you are done, export your updated order as a .TSV.
  • Once you have added all the content you want in your order and saved it as a .TSV, you can now upload this order back into Wordapp, and put it into production! To do this, go back to Wordapp and from the top menu bar, click or tap the create icon and choose “Order”.

Switching Roles

  • As a project manager, you can change the roles of the participants in a project.
  • Publishers can’t take writing and editing tasks. You need to check and uncheck the publisher role in order to see the writing and the editing tasks in your task feed.

Updating Instructions

  • Publishers and project managers have access to the instructions. You can edit the instructions directly from the task.
  • All the sections that are visible on the left side when you are working on a task can be edited directly in the task.
  • There is a button at the bottom that is navigating to the template builder page for the template that the task is using.

Flagged Tasks

  • Project managers and publishers can see the flagged tasks in their task feed and in the project.
  • When the issue with the task is fixed, it can be assigned directly to the person who flagged it so that the task can go back to the production.

Invite Link

  • You can add participants to your project directly using the invite link. You can choose the role you’d like to invite the participants as and generate a link for it.
  • People who click the link will be added to the project automatically.

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