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How to Create a Wordapp Order

Beta v0.1

An order in Wordapp is based on the template to generate the basic order data. Essentially a template is the source of an order. (more to come on that!)

Creating an Order in Wordapp is not hard (it will get even easier as we develop the app), but there are a few steps you must follow to create an order from scratch. Below are the steps for creating and working with content orders in Wordapp.

1. Download the order sheet

There are two places from which a client can create and download an order: the Template Library and the Template Builder. Let’s start with the Template Library. Go to the Template Library then click the Account Template Library tab. Select the template from which you want to derive your template. In the split-button dropdown edit button, choose to Export Order sheet .TSV. Or from the template builder, from the export drop-down menu at the upper-left corner of the screen. choose to Export Order sheet .TSV. Both actions will download an order sheet.

2. Choose to connect it to an existing project or to a new project

Wordapp gives you the option to add your content order to an existing project or to a new project that you create. So, before the download begins, Wordapp will prompt you to decide. If you want to connect the order to an existing project, choose the option “Connect this order to an existing project” and from the drop-down menu, choose an existing project. Or, If you want to connect to a new project, select the option “Create new project with this order” and give the project a name. After you make your selection, click or tap “continue” and the .TSV is downloaded to your device.

3. In your favorite spreadsheet, add additional orders to the sheet

An order is not really complete after it’s initially exported from Wordapp. The .TSV includes the crucial template formatting, keyword location and indexing, rules, and other data needed to start a running order in Wordapp. But the main elements that need to be added are the additional specific content (that become a discrete webpage, blog post etc.) and their specific keywords. A powerful way to add additional content to the order is to use a spreadsheet app like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Load the exported .TSV into your spreadsheet app and proceed to add additional rows of content. Use the format already established for keywords and template items, and add the additional keywords you’d like to create orders for. When you are done, export your updated order as a .TSV.

4. Upload the order to Wordapp

Once you have added all the content you want in your order and saved it as a .TSV, you can now upload this order back into Wordapp, and put it into production! To do this, go back to Wordapp and from the top menu bar, click or tap the create icon and choose “Order”. From the open file dialog find and open the completed order, Wordapp will upload the order. Wait for the upload to complete. If you chose to connect the order to an existing project, navigate to the project, and you will find all the content from the order added to the project. If you chose to create a new project for the order, for now, one of our account managers will be notified and will create the project for you.They and will notify you. This process will be automated in future versions of Wordapp.


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